About This Course

This course is designed to help you develop a localized green infrastructure policy pathway, which will help you systemically embed green infrastructure into city-building. Through policy review, you will learn how to identify local priorities, opportunities, gaps, strengths, and next steps to advancing green infrastructure into your community. 

This course is based on our Pathways to Living Cities Framework, which was created to help green infrastructure practitioners learn what has worked in other communities, and what they can do to be successful. Showcasing best practices, resources, and case studies from across North America and Europe, the Framework lays out key strategies that have helped cities to accelerate more abundant, equitable, and thriving green infrastructure. The Framework also highlights the importance of working in partnership with community and industry in order to advance green infrastructure on both public and private lands.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    1. Lesson 1.1: Introduction to Green Infrastructure

    2. Lesson 1.2: Introduction to Green Infrastructure (Stormwater)

    3. Lesson 1.2: Introduction to Green Infrastructure (Trees)

    4. Lesson 1.2: Introduction to Green Infrastructure (Depave)

    5. Lesson 1.2: Introduction to Green Infrastructure (Rain Gardens)

    6. Lesson 1.2: Introduction to Green Infrastructure (Green Roofs)

    7. Lesson 1.2: Introduction to Green Infrastructure (Rain Barrels)

    8. Lesson 2.1: Benefits of Green Infrastructure

    9. Lesson 2.1: GI Won't Happen on its Own

    10. Lesson 3.1 The Hierarchy of GI

    11. Lesson 3.1: The Living City Concept

    12. Lesson 3.1: Pathways to Living Cities

    1. Lesson 1.1: Community Pathway Scope of Work

    2. Lesson 1.2: Policy Review: Commitments, Policies, Gaps

    3. Lesson 2.1: Stakeholder Engagement

    4. Lesson 2:2 Interview Guides

    1. Lesson 1.1: Identifying Potential Recommendations

    2. Lesson 1.2 Living Cities Assessment: How Are We Doing?

    3. Lesson 3.3: Creating Your Community Pathway

    1. Lesson 1.1: Growing Public Awareness, Support and Action

    2. Lesson 1.2: The Engagement Funnel

    3. Lesson 1.3: Generating Awareness

    4. Lesson 1.4: A/B Message Testing

    5. Lesson 1.5: Framing Message Testing

    6. Lesson 2.1 : Engaging People

    7. Lesson 3.1: Campaigning

    8. Lesson 3.2: Personalized Campaign Planner

    1. Congratulations!

About this course

  • 29 lessons